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SACI NGO (Super Advanced computer institute) Registered with Govt. of J&K under the society Act VI of 1998(1941.A.D) vide Regn No. 6247-S, Registered Under J&K Companies Act 1956 under Company Regn No. U80900JK2012PTC003466 under Ministry of Co-operate Affairs Government of India & affiliated with NIELIT formerly DOEACC an Autonomous Scientific Society of Department of Electronics and Information Technology,
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India.

Super advanced computer institute (SACI) NGO was established in 2006, with the objective of attaining excellence in the field of computers and promoting a level platform for ushering the future generation into scientific and technological era with a sound era and ethical background.

It is a pioneer IT education. Super advanced computer institute have so far trained thousands of students.

During the past decade years the institute has reached several milestones, grown by leaps and bounds and acquired a special place in the hearts of the people of Kashmir.

SACI also works for the upliftment of the poor and destitute by helping them achieve socio-economic independence, self-sustainability and quality education.

We do everything from providing educational and social services to the needy, mainstreaming marginalized street children, making low-literate youth employable and empowering women.

We help those in need with full respect, love and commitment, with the aim to not deliver charity but to empower them to better their own lot.

SACI is the full-spectrum grassroots NGO in jammu and Kashmir providing services spanning the development trifecta of Education, social empowerment and Community Development and thus able to provide a comprehensive path from poverty to prosperity and fully empower the destitute to tread it successfully.

SACI is functioning in the field of IT education for the last decade offering various job oriented professional courses in the field of computers & I.T. Other than the academic activities SACI is also involved in other fields such as software development, ITEs, out-sourcing, HR, training & placements.

SACI has introduced Advanced level Computer courses to college going girls and boys belonging to of the society. The courses covered are Computer fundamentals, MS-Dos, Ms-Word, Spreadsheet, Access, PowerPoint PageMaker, coral draw, Financial accounting application , java, Computer networking . Programming C, C++, HTML, computer hardwaring,English speaking,Computer tying etc We also offer coaching for 11th, 12th IP & COMPUTER SCIENCE, BCA, MCA, IST YEAR, 2ND YEAR,THIRD YEAR COMPUTER SUBJECTS & O LEVEL.

Therefore we welcome all students to join us for quality education

Main Road Bemina Opp.Power Receiving Station
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir - 190018
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Main Road Bemina Opp.Power Receiving Station Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir - 190018


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